The 2nd edition of the Forum of European Universities Alliances will take place in Barcelona (Spain) on the 14-15 of September. The EC2U Alliance will participate in the event.
The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be hosting the 2nd Forum of European University Alliances on September 14 and 15 in Barcelona. The objective of the event is to open up a space for dialogue and exchange of ideas around the most important issues currently affecting European alliances.
The EC2U Alliance will be represesented during 3 sessions:
- 14/09 at 12h: Plenary session II “Bringing the European Universities initiative closer to European society” with Mrs. J.Gouveia Loureiro, from the Municipality of Coimbra.
- 14/09 at 15h: “European Degree label: main objectives and added value of pilot projects” via the ED-AFFICHE representative.
- 14/09 at 16h45: “Monitoring framework for the EUI” moderated by the EC2U’s coordinator L.Thilly.
The programme and the link to follow the event online are available here.