About the Master's Degree


The EC2U Joint Master’s Degree “LIFELINE – Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Ageing” is a 2-year Master’s Degree (4 semesters, 30 ECTS each, 120 ECTS in total) that provides students with knowledge, skills, professional and research competences necessary to the specialists of interdisciplinary approaches concerning lifelong well-being and healthy ageing. This degree is in line with professional practice within national and European public institutions and private companies and will form high-level experts in the bio-psychosocial fields related to well-being and ageing. 


A new university to discover each semester!

The EC2U Campus provides students with the opportunity to study abroad, gain multicultural experiences, and expand their professional network. Over the course of their learning journey, students can study in up to 4 of the 7 EC2U universities.


A degree tailored to students’ needs

Students will be able to personalise their curriculum: they will choose their study plan in accordance with the course catalogue provided by the universities they’ll be studying at.


Watch the webinar introducing the teachers, administrative staff and students for this Masters here.


How to apply

Students may apply via this platform (hosted by the University of Pavia)

Application period(s)



EU students

March 25th – April 18th

May 20th

May 23rd – May 30th

May 30th – June 20th (opened only in case of available seats)

July 8th

July 11th – July 18th

August 26th – August 30th (opened only in case of available seats)

September 5th

September 6th – September 9th

Non-EU students

March 25th – April 18th

May 20th

May 23rd – May 30th


► Find out the complete overview of the admission call here


Admission requirements

In order to apply for the Degree Programme, students should have a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following areas: health and welfare, social and behavioral sciences, psychology and sports, life sciences (biotechnology, biological sciences, pharmacy, medicine) or any other area accepted in the country of the application. All documents submitted should be issued by the relevant official bodies.

English Language certification: B2 level, defined according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), is required, except for an applicant with a previous University Degree (Bachelor, Master or Doctorate) delivered in English.

Documents to provide

  1. Bachelor’s diploma
  2. Transcript of records
  3. Proof of the required language’s knowledge
  4. Curriculum Vitae
  5. Motivation Letter

Additional documents might be required according to national regulations of Consortium Institutions as detailed in the application call.

For any non-EU students residing outside Europe, please check the visa requirements, if any, on the University website where they will be spending the first semester.

Selection criteria

Criteria Points from Admission Committee
Transcript of records Up to 50
Language Knowledge Up to 20
Motivation letter and European Standard CV Up to 30
Total Up to 100


All eligible applications will be evaluated jointly by the joint Admission Committee according to the evaluation criteria table and the first ranked 20 students will be admitted in compliance with national regulations.

The ranking, based on the criteria listed above, will be published anonymously on May 4th & July 22nd.


Admitted students enroll at the University where they will be spending the First semester in agreement with the regulations of the University and national legal requirements.

EC2U student fees must be paid at the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi, the administrative coordinator Institution.

Relevant information on how to enroll will be provided to the admitted candidates via email to the address they provided during the application process.


Transfer or Second Degree

Students asking for a transfer from other Master’s degrees or for enrollment to a second degree will have to submit the online application and pass with a positive mark the selection phase according to the rules reported in Section “Selection criteria”. The Global Admission Committee will evaluate the student’s previous academic career in order to assess a recognition of academic curriculum and proceed with enrolment at first or second year of the Master’s programme.

The applicant should specify this request during the application procedure.

Programme structure

This Master’s Degree is offered jointly by seven European universities which are rooted in the tradition of excellence:

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania)

University of Salamanca (Spain)

University of Coimbra (Portugal)* Accepts only EU students

University of Jena (Germany)

University of Pavia (Italy)

University of Poitiers (France)

University of Turku (Finland)

These universities provide students with personalised attention throughout their studies and a unique campus and student life.

This Joint Master’s Degree is tailored to students’ needs and offers them the opportunity to personalise their learning path in an international environment.


Study Plan

It is mandatory to spend the first semester at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Students define the rest of the study plan in accordance with the course catalogue provided by the chosen universities.

The fourth semester is reserved for thesis preparation, related learning and research activities.

a) Each student who successfully completes the Master’s Programme shall receive a Multilateral Master’s Degree Diploma issued by all the universities at which the student accomplished the minimum national academic requirements, provided that full accreditation has already taken place. The Diplomas will be issued and registered according to national/local regulations.


b) The number of Diploma certificates depends on the number of universities where the student accomplished the minimum national academic requirements. Since it is a Multilateral Master’s Degree, each university involved will deliver to the student the Degree in their local language.


c) In addition to the Multilateral Master’s degrees, each student shall receive:

  • A joint certificate from the EC2U Alliance;
  • The transcript of records (ToR) listing the course units taken, the exams passed and the credits gained by the student.
  • A diploma supplement presenting the details of the student’s academic programme and academic achievement converted to a common grading system, following the template developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES and adapted to any further specifications in national legislation where applicable.


d) The Leading Institution, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, shall be responsible for delivering the joint certificate from EC2U Alliance to the student.

a) The Master’s thesis will be in the form of bilateral or multilateral supervision between at least two Professors of two different Consortium Institutions. The selection of the supervisors is made by the student among Professors of the Fourth Semester University (1st supervisor) and among Professors involved in the Degree Programme (2nd or 3rd supervisor). Students may consult the thesis with other specialists (example: the supervisor of the internship, if the student decides to have a more professional oriented dissertation). The author of the Master’s thesis can decide to publish the thesis online after consultation and with the permission of the supervisors.


b) Students will choose between a research Master thesis and a more professional-oriented dissertation, resulting from students’ internships in research and professional environments, to be selected from a pocket of protocols with private and public, local and national agencies/organisations in the fields of administration, research centres, health and social care, health and well-being, city’s organisations and other recognised organisations related to the studied area, agreed with the supervisors, across the consortium’s institutions.


c) The thesis has to be written in English and has to comply with the requirements of the Programme and with the rules of the Fourth Semester University.

Mobility Scheme

► Two semesters abroad are required and students may not spend more than 2 semesters at the same university.

Career Opportunities

The objective of this Master’s Degree is to train high-level experts in the bio-psychosocial fields related to ageing. For example:

  • Employee/supervisor/manager at national and international biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies
  • Laboratory technician/supervisor in public and private health facilities
  • Supervisor/researcher/manager in the regulatory field for structures involved in production programmes and preclinical and clinical trials
  • Manager/supervisor in structures responsible for the surveillance of biotechnological processes with ethical and psychosocial implications
  • Scientific researcher at national and international universities and research institutions
  • Adviser and consultant in social welfare fields
  • Community care case worker and welfare rights officer
  • Lifelong well-being and healthy ageing advisor / counsellor

EC2U Student fees and scholarships

EC2U Student fees

The student fees are 1500 € per academic year, which includes local fees, legal liability insurance, library and laboratory costs and any other mandatory cost related to the students’ participation in the Degree Programme for the standard duration of the Degree Programme, support in administrative and organisational issues by the Consortium Partners, costs for enrolment, all examinations and the issuing of supplement documents to the final Diploma.

What’s not included in the student fee: diploma issuing fee when locally required, accommodation, health insurance, travel to and from partner universities, subsistence and travel documents (visa, passport, costs for legalisation of documents) included within the framework of the mobility programme or any costs beyond the standard duration of the Degree Programme.



Students can apply for the Erasmus mobility grant when completing a semester abroad in one of the Partner universities. They can contact the International Relations Office of their university for more information.

Practical details


Contact : dri@uc.pt 

All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://www.uc.pt/international-applicants

Contact: relint@uaic.ro 

All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://www.uaic.ro/en/international/erasmus-programme/erasmus-incoming-students/

Contact : ec2u-masters@uni-jena.de 

All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://www.uni-jena.de/Studium+international

Contact : ec2u@univ-poitiers.fr 

All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/en/international-students-scholars/

Contact : rrii@usal.es

All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://rel-int.usal.es/es/module-variations/estudiantes- extranjeros/informacion-para-estudiantes-de-movilidad-entrantes

Contact : admissions@utu.fi

All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://www.utu.fi/en/study-at-utu/accepted-students

Academic calendar

First semester: fall season Second semester: spring season
Third semester: fall season Fourth semester: spring season
Graduation date: based on the academic calendar of the university where students spend the fourth semester