
Are you looking for an opportunity to travel abroad for a short time, in the framework of your studies ? The EC2U Alliance offers a wide range of mobilities for students, reinforcing their European citizenship & promoting : 

  • Multilingualism,
  • International dimension,  
  • Protection, health and safety of participants, 
  • Communicating projects,  
  • Recognition and validation of skills and qualifications 

Take part in the next summer school, blended intensive programme, entrepreneurial week, etc!


What are the outcomes of such experiences ? 

  • expose students to different views, knowledge, teaching and research methods as well as work practices in their study field in the European and international context; 
  • develop their transversal skills such as communication skills, language skills, critical thinking, problem solving, inter-cultural skills and research skills; 
  • develop their forward looking skills, such as digital and green skills, that will enable them to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow; 
  • facilitate personal development such as the ability to adapt to new situations and self-confidence.

More information

Get all the details on the international mobility in your university : 

University of Poitiers: https://studyinpoitiers.univ-poitiers.fr/ 

University of Coimbra: https://www.uc.pt/en/driic/mobilidade/in/ 

University of Pavia: https://internazionale.unipv.eu/it/mobilita-internazionale/andare-all-estero/#studenti  

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi: https://www.uaic.ro/en/international/erasmus-programme/erasmus-incoming-students/ 

University of Turku: https://www.utu.fi/en/study-at-utu/exchange-studies  

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/international 

University of Salamanca : https://rel-int.usal.es/es/proyectos/ec2u-european-campus-of-city-universities