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Virtual Institutes are a completely new way of approaching and solving a given challenge. The VIQE, Virtual Institue for Quality Edication combines education, research and innovation for advanced studies in quality education.
In practice, VIQE will carry out the following activities:
– Language Policy Research Project
– Research Seed Mobility Programme on Language and Cultural Diversity
– Joint PhD training activities for the existing PhD programmes on European languages and cultures.
The EC2U VIQE continues previously conducted research on language policy. The VIQE language policy research project studies current language policies of both universities participating in the European Alliances and those not participating in the official alliances described in the European Partnership Initiatives. The research team thus adopts a comparative approach to studying language policy practices. The research design is both qualitative and quantitative and incorporates research methods from the Humanities and Social Sciences, including the Digital Humanities.
The research team will analyse the current language policies in European Universities from different points of view:
– Landscape linguistics (University of Salamanca)
– Critical discourse analysis and linguistic ethnography (University of Coimbra)
– Institutional language policies (University of Poitiers, University of Turku)
– Foreign language didactics (University of Poitiers)
– Multilingualism (Universiy of Poitiers, University of Turku)
– Digital linguistics (University of Poitiers, University of Turku)
– Computational linguistics (Uvinersity of Pavia)
– Translation studies (University of Turku)
– Education policy and language education (University of Iasi)
– Social imaginaries, migrations (University of Jena)
Name of the researcher | Expertise (1) and languages (2) |
University of Salamanca (USAL):
(1) Language policy, landscape linguistics (2) German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Bulgarian, English |
University of Coimbra:
(1) Critical discourse analysis of language policy text, linguistic ethnography (2) Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, German |
University of Poitiers:
(1) Language policy, foreign language didactics, Digital Linguistics, Multilingualism (2) French, Greek, Serbian, English, Polish, Russian, sign language |
Universiy of Pavia:
(1) Computational linguistics (2) Italian, Dutch, French, English |
University of Turku :
(1) Translation policy, Sociology of Translation, Digital Linguistics, Multilingualism, Institutional Language policies (2) Finnish, Swedish, English, French, German |
University of Iasi:
(1) Education policy, language education (2) Romanian, Italian, French, German |
University of Jena
(1) Culture Theory and Communication Research (2) German, French, Spanish, English
The VIQE is launching a Research Seed Mobility Programme on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity for researchers. The main objective of this mobility programme is to actively promote in-depth collaboration between researchers and research groups from the seven EC2U universities. Existing local research groups working in the field of languages, cultures and societies in contact will work together, form EC2U research groups, develop seed research projects and subsequently apply for additional national and EU funding.
Participants must be a PhD student or hold an academic position at one of the seven EC2U universities which allows them to engage in research activities for the duration of the mobility project and includes the ability to independently publish research results. They must have a working knowledge of English or of one of the 7 languages of the EC2U universities.
Researchers working on the following topics are encouraged to apply for research seed mobilities:
· Languages
· Literature · Cultures · Other research fields from Social Sciences and Humanities |
Projects proposals can be continuously submitted to your local EC2U VIQE representative until the 30th of April 2023.
-Call for projects and group evaluation.
-Applications for joint EU and national research projects.
-Workshops/Intensive courses/Mobility.
-Organisation of webinars.
-Encouragement of sustainable campus initiatives to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals